Lucinda Mackworth-Young

Lucinda Mackworth-Young
Registered Spiritual Healer, Soul Therapy Practitioner

Lucinda sees clients in The City, London EC4
And Houghton Farm, South Pickenham, Swaffham, Norfolk PE37

Phone: 020 7626 0183
Mobile: 07850 912006


What Lucinda offers:

Soul Therapy inclusive of spiritual healing and deep, spiritual understanding, combined with Practical Psychology for personal or professional issues.

How Lucinda works:

Tuning in to each client and his or her specific needs individually, Lucinda helps solve problems and resolve issues of a physical, emotional, mental, psychological or spiritual nature as required. In particular she helps clients tune into their Higher Selves and connect with their Soul’s Purpose for this life. She uses a combination of her own professional expertise, intuition and spiritual healing.


Lucinda first graduated as a Musician and then gained a Master’s in Psychology. Pioneering a field in Practical Psychology for Musicians who are Teaching, Learning and Performing, grounded in her own experience as a teacher and performer, she continued to deepen and develop her work through training as a Counsellor, an Integrated Arts Psychotherapist and a Soul Therapist.


Finding that her work is relevant to everyone in any walk of life, Lucinda works not only with Musicians but also with people in the other Arts, Business, Law, Medicine or any other field.
In many cases her clients are seeking to “Stop the World and get off”, re-connect with their centre and find their own personal paths. In other cases clients are simply seeking to resolve particular professional or personal issues.


A combination of spiritual healing, together with deep, spiritual understanding, including practical psychology for personal or professional issues, as required.


Lucinda is a Registered Spiritual Healer, Counsellor, Integrated Arts Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Lecturer, Writer, Course Provider, Pianist and Teacher. She is a member of The Soul Therapy Association of Spiritual Healers and The Jewish Association of Spiritual Healers (both member organisations of the Alliance of Healing Associations/ UK Healers).
She is also a member of The British Psychological Society, The Scientific and Medical Network, The Incorporated Society of Musicians and The European Piano Teachers Association.

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