Marie Reilly

Marie Reilly
Registered Spiritual Healer, Soul Therapy Practitioner

Sees clients in New Southgate, London

Phone: 020 8361 4161
Mobile: 07840 746 902


What Marie offers:

Marie offers Soul Therapy which combines energy healing and counselling using a range of techniques, with the aim of restoring balance and emotional and physical wellbeing.

How Marie works:

Marie views her work as a partnership between her, the client and the natural healing power that is within each individual. She tailors her methods to suit the unique needs of the client, drawing on personal experience and training in a wide range of complementary therapies. The one common ingredient in her work is the desire to show compassion and generate love and harmony.


Marie started her career as a teacher. She then moved on to social work where she has been a registered practitioner and teacher in several related areas. More recently she has completed her training at the Soul Therapy Centre and is a member of the practitioner’s ongoing development group and a registered healer.


Marie welcomes referrals from individuals who are experiencing difficulties of any kind; physical, psychological, emotional, or those who wish to develop their self awareness and personal growth.


B.S.SC (Bachelor of Social Science), Diploma in Applied Social Studies, CQSW (Certificate of Qualification in Social Work, Qualification following completion of one year full time training in Counselling at Westminster Pastoral Foundation, Practice Teaching Award from CCETSW, Postgraduate Diploma in Pastoral Theology, Diploma in Soul Therapy level’s 1 and 2 and Registered Spiritual Healer (UK Healers).

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